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South Lake Little League

Single A Local Rules

SLLL Single A Division Ground Rules


The Current Little League Baseball Official Regulations and Playing Rules shall govern the “Playing Rules” for the Single A Division.


1.     Time limit: No new inning after 60 minutes. The inning must be completed.

2.     Only 3 board approved coaches or team parent will be allowed in the dugout or on the field during games. There must be a coach or team parent in the dugout when there are player(s) in the dugout.

3.     Home team responsibilities:

a.     Supply game ball.

b.     Keep scorebook. Home team scorebook is official.

4.     Away team responsibilities:

a.     Provide scoreboard operator. Score will be kept.

b.     Provide concession volunteer.

5.     Line-up cards must be exchanged and provided to the scorebook keeper.

6.     Side is retired when,

a.     The offensive team has batted entire roster once, or

b.     Three (3) outs are made, or

c.     Maximum runs allowed per inning is reached.

                                               i.     Five (5) run maximum for all innings.

7.     All Players are allowed to be on the field when on defense.

a.     Infielders must play at normal positions, including catcher, and the remaining players are to be spread throughout the outfield.

8.     Continuous batting order will be used.

a.     This means, even if a player is sitting on the bench for defense, they still bat when it is their turn in the line-up.

9.     No on-deck batters.

a.     Only the first batter of each half-inning will be permitted outside the dugout between half-innings.

10.  The runner is out when runner does not slide or attempt to avoid collision with a player that has the ball. Umpire (if provided), or coach, judgment. There is no “must slide rule”.

11.  No headfirst slides when advancing.

a.     Runner may slide headfirst when returning to a base.

12.  Defensive Team:

a.     May have coaches in the outfield with players.

13.  Rotate defensive positions each inning.

a.     All players must play at least one inning in the infield.

14.  On overthrows at any base, the runner may advance one base at own risk. No additional bases can be taken on subsequent overthrows. (We want to avoid continuous overthrows moving the runner around all the bases in one play and focus on ball control).

a.     Example: After contact by the batter, the shortstop throws the ball over the first baseman’s head. The runner advances toward 2nd base. The first baseman recovers the ball and throws the ball wildly into the outfield when attempting to get the runner out at 2nd base. The runner must remain at 2nd base in this example.

15.  Coach Pitch: 

  • a.     Coaches shall pitch from a sitting or kneeling position just inside of the pitchers’ circle.
  • b.     Coaches pitch to their own players.
  • c.     Coaches shall deliver meaningful pitches; no meatballs.

i.     Batter can be struck out by the coach.

ii.     If coach DOES deliver a pitch within the strike zone, it will be considered a strike, as determined by the pitching coach, or umpire (if provided), whether the batter swings or not.

iii.     If coach does NOT deliver a pitch within the strike zone and the batter does not swing, it will be considered a “no pitch” as determined by the pitching coach, or umpire (if provided), but will still count towards the players six (6) pitch max.

v.     If batter does not put ball in play by the seventh pitch, batter is called out.

  • e.     If a batted ball hits the coach - it is a dead ball. The batter automatically goes to first base and any forced runners advanced one base.
  • f.      Pitcher must stand on either side of the coach, NOT in front. The pitcher must remain behind the front of the coach until the ball has crossed the plate or has been put in play.
  • g.     Play is dead when the coach or player pitcher has controlled possession of the ball within two (2) feet of pitching rubber.

iv.     Players may not advance past their current base.

16.  Five (5) pitches max thrown, or three (3) strikes, whichever comes first.

a.     Batter cannot be called out on the fifth pitch if it is a foul. If a foul is hit, then Seven (7) pitches max. 

b.     There is no walking.

17.  Ball hit to the outfield is limited to a double (at the risk of the player being thrown out), however, overthrow rule still applies.

18.  The play is dead when:

a.     An infielder has CONTROLLED possession of the ball in the infield between the foul lines.

                                               i.     Players may not advance past their current base.

                                             ii.     Runners who are between bases may advance or return to their previous base at their own risk.

19.  Not Allowed:

a.     Bunting

b.     Stealing

c.     Protests

d.     Forfeits

Updated 8/2024 

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