Registration is Closed! Now it's time to plan for Evaluations! Evaluations begin on Monday and are REQUIRED for AA and up. Please check the schedule for your mandatory date and time.

Come to the evaluation for the division you registered for!

If you'd like to play in a different age division then what you registered for, you MUST email
[email protected] BEFORE evaluations!

Evaluations usually last anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. Please plan
accordingly. Concessions will be open, if you need dinner options!

The forecast is COOLLLDDD! Please dress appropriately! Don't forget your jacket.

Equipment needed for Evaluations are Bat, Helmet & Glove. We will have an area of FREE, used items if you need something, including practice clothes. If you need to make purchases before the season, Dick's Sporting Goods is a wonderful sponsor who hooked us up with coupons. One is attached to this post and one can be found on our website year-round, as well!